Indlovu Citrus Orange & Marula Gin 750ml

Sale priceR 359.50


Indlovu Citrus Orange and Marula Gin 750ml.

A refreshing and zesty gin that captures the essence of the African savannah. The distillers at Indlovu are passionate about using the natural and wild ingredients that are favored by the African elephant. With a keen sense of smell, these majestic creatures are drawn to the delicious tangy marula fruits and juicy oranges growing in the savannah, and it's no surprise that they contain high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C.

Capturing the essence of these fruits and infusing them results in a delicious and smooth gin that is perfect for any occasion. With its invigorating citrus flavors, this gin is perfect for sipping on a hot summer day, or enjoying in a classic gin and tonic. Close your eyes, take a sip and indulge in the flavors of the African elephants' favored fruits.

The perfect balance of sweet and tangy flavors, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate. It's a gin that will transport you to the heart of the African savannah, where the elephants roam free and the sun shines bright. So, take a sip and discover the unique flavors of Indlovu Citrus Orange and Marula Gin.

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