Toor 5 Year Grain Whisky 750ml

Sale priceR 339.50


Toor 5 Year Grain Whisky 750ml.

Toor 5 Year Grain Whisky is a rich and smooth whisky, the result of the passion and skill of the alchemists at Do±a Distillery in Cape Town. Aged in ex-Bourbon American Oak and finished in French Oak, with each batch sourced, blended, and aged with meticulous attention to detail, to deliver the perfect flavour profile. 

The warm, amber color of this whisky hints at the complexity of the nose, which offers elegant vanilla and roasted oak aromas. On the palate, a well-balanced blend of nutty, caramel, and stone-fruit flavors is revealed, while the finish is refined and boasts hints of maple and earth.

Toor Whisky is made to be enjoyed any way you want, whether neat or mixed in a cocktail. The name and logo embrace the philosophy of bringing old and new together and opening up the experience of enjoying whisky to all.

At Do±a Distillery, the team under master distiller Danielle Schoeman is driven by a love for the alchemy of whisky-making and combining different taste profiles, barrels, and processes to conjure up truly unique world-class whiskies. 

Experience the complexity and richness of Toor 5 Year Grain Whisky in a 750ml bottle, with an ABV of 43%.

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